We offer a standard delivery and a next day delivery to UK Mainland addresses.
If the product does not fit or function as expected, we will collect and fully refund you provided the machine make and model is correct and there are no variances as stated on the product. If you no longer need the item, we can collect and refund you minus a collection and restocking charge providing the return is within 30 days of ordering and the product has not been used or has any signs of damage.
Step 1: Width - Simply measure from edge to edge on the outside of the track. This measurement is always given in millimetres. (eg. 230mm)

Step 2: Pitch - This measurement is the distance from the centre of one link to the centre of the next link on your track. This measurement is also given in millimetres. (eg. 96mm)

Step 3: Links - This measurement is simply the number of links (or lugs) in the track (eg. 31 links). A link is the metal bar that engages round the sprocket to drive the machine.

These three measurements combine together to make the Track size - in the examples above the size is 230 x 96 x 31. The track size is usually stamped into the rubber on the inside of your Rubber Tracks.